Bayanihan ang Panlaban sa COVID-19: Itch Creatives and Brainfarts Media Release Digital PSA Campaign for COVID-19

April 17, 2020 | AD CAMPAIGN

PASIG, April 17, 2020 -- 2020 began with a deadly health crisis known as COVID-19. In just a span of a few weeks, the virus spread at an alarming rate, infecting thousands across the globe. With very little known about the new disease, differing information on the internet caused mass confusion and panic among Filipinos.

In light of this issue, Itch Creatives partnered with production house Brainfarts Media and illustrator Ayi Mondragon to create a public service announcement video entitled “Bayanihan ang Panlaban sa COVID-19.” The video aims to enlighten the Filipino nation on the virus, and what they need to do to mitigate the pandemic. 

German animation studio Kurzgesagt recently published a video that elaborately described the effects of the virus on individuals and the possibilities that our world will face depending on the decisions to be made. The simplicity and the accuracy of information became the team’s inspiration for the video, thus creating a localized version of the same empowering message: YOU are part of the solution. Given this theme, viewers can learn more about how COVID-19 affects us and how our actions greatly impact the pandemic’s development.

The use of various elements in the creation process gave the audience as close to a firsthand experience as possible. The Filipino language ensured that the message is clear and understandable by its target audience. Colorful illustrations and playful motion design were employed to give it a lighter, more proactive feel without losing the gravity of the situation. 

With the fast and continuous development surrounding COVID-19, arranging the storyline and message became challenging; information needed to be adjusted every now and then to make the material timely. Thankfully, the team was always updated on the latest news and are able to quickly modify certain aspects of the video.

Itch Creatives, together with Brainfarts Media and Ayi Mondragon, hopes that this campaign will inspire positive action and the initiative to #FlattenTheCurve. 

“Rather than incite fear, we must employ our spirit of Bayanihan as one country. When we take such precautionary measures with our friends and loved ones in mind, the task easily transforms from an obligation to a heroic deed,” Itch Creatives Managing Director Armand Sazon adds. 

It is in times like this that clarity of communication is crucial to the equation we are trying to solve. The more we can explain thoroughly the situation and the necessary steps  we need to take as a community, the faster we can heal together.

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